Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Prepping for the Next Excursion

I tend to be a list maker. Many people are. My husband and I will be headed to Maine on Friday for our yearly 'trek'. My dearest friend, Kathy, will join us on Monday. Yesterday I ran to the drugstore to pick up basic necessities for the trip. Today - I list! Tomorrow - I pack!

sheets X2 - queen size
pillows x4
folding chairs x3

paper towels
kitchen towels x3
cutting board
knives - Phil
frying pan

clothes - remember cooler weather stuff!
denim jacket
fleece vest

dog food and treats
test strips

player and boom box

knitting and cross stitch

text books

checklist for Mike
money and phone numbers for Mike

I found a neat website called Virtual Tourist - I have included the website here and sent it to Kathy. I gave her 'instructions' to check it out and see if there activities she'd like to check out. It was great seeing so many familiar places and activities. Perhaps you can give us some suggestions as well? Let me know!


1 comment:

  1. ML ~ Loved the link. I read the "Snobby Tourist Warning". Wow! Seeing the map of where it is, especially in relation to Boston helped me get a better picture of where it is.

    Great way to start a journal of your trip, plus you'll have the packing list for next year if you saved it in a Word Document, too.

    It sounds like you are staying in a cabin. I can't wait to see the pictures of it. Is it on the water? I am also assuming that you buy your food there. What do you usually have for food...anything special to the area?
